Let’s not bull shit each other! We can all agree that at some point in our lives, we have looked at others, what they have and how they got it, and used that to gauge success. Right?
I will be the first to raise my hand and say I am no different and have been guilty of that as well.
I must admit that when I was younger I used to do that and I was all obsessed with SUCCESS. I read frantically every book or article I could get my hands on, like Newsweek, Fortune, The Economist, Forbes - you name it. I was consuming so much content on success, obsessively reading about other people's career stories in a deep search, just blindly hoping to find that life-changing secret that would take me there as well.
Gauging by the amount of books on SUCCESS and the content that surrounds us around this topic, I can make an educated guess that I am not the only one mislead to believe this is the best way and a shortcut to finding SUCCESS.
I decided to write this piece in order to let you in on a secret: SUCCESS is absolute bullshit! It’s like a drug for all those ambitious peeps looking to improve their lives, which should be most of us. I bet we have all been sold on the dream of SUCCESS in one way or another, and made to feel that if we read and follow certain steps we’re going to accomplish something great, without actually getting us any closer to our goal.
I am telling you, this shit is an addiction. It is not worth your time pursuing this pipe dream!
“For you to be successful, you need to picture yourself where you want to be. You need to reach for a distant star, and you will get there. Do this and do that, blah, blah, blah blah.”
I think we have all read similar nonsense before… That’s the crap I am talking about. Unfortunately, I have wasted more time of my life reading useless articles on success than I can dare to call. I, for one, have completely come to terms with the notion that abandoning the fictitious concept of SUCCESS is the best way to go for any entrepreneur or businessman. It just doesn’t exist and therefore my recommendation is that we stop chasing it altogether.
Success narratives are actually condensed versions of a long history which don’t teach us anything of value. Forget about SUCCESS! Instead, we should be focused on the failures endured.
The most valuable learning tool is FAILURE.
When we fail, we learn our limits, and it teaches us how to crush those limits.
The true growth comes from all the stories in the middle of a journey that ended in some level of success as they like to call it. SUCCESS is actually an instrument of torture. It’s a myth that we get sold on to make us feel if we won or lost. It’s a fucken distraction. It’s vital to stop focusing on it!
Here is how I define this shit called SUCCESS:
- Being able to get where I want by doing what I want.
- Having the courage to tell the world they are wrong! - This takes time and isn’t that easy, as not many have the courage to do this. We naturally like to swim with the current.
- Daring to fuck things up on my own terms.
If SUCCESS were a final destination like we’re trained to believe, we would get to this destination and would be like: “OK, I have arrived, now what?”
Think about it, when we obtain something shiny and new, it's only a matter of time before the satisfaction of having obtained that wears off. Kind of reminds me of my high school days when I did track & field. One of my events was the high jump. Once I cleared the bar at a certain height, the hunger for more success inevitably forced me to raise it again, until I hit a wall and had to figure out a way to get better in order to clear that new height.
Instead of aiming for this destination of SUCCESS we’re sold on, just focus on what your ultimate goal and terms are, and be ready to suffer through it. Yes, you will suffer through it. Remember, it’s an inescapable process of torture.
For me this is a far more permanent feeling, than success itself.